Excalibur Masih Pemula: 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Preliminary Ethics as Review

A. Ethics Definition

Ethics is a thing to connection the filsafat primary branch which study some point or qualified to become standar and point of moral. Ethics encompass analytic and some application concept like right, wrong, good, bad and responbility. St. John of Damascus (7th century before christ) replacing etihcs in study practical philosophy.
Etihcs is begining when a human reflect some ethics element from spontant opinion in our life. a requirement to reflection will be refleted, among other because our ethics opinion not usually different with  opinion from other people. For that we need ethics, that mean for finding information about   what is human (us) must to do.
In Metodologis, not every single of  action is can be judge to ethics. Etihcs need some attitude, critical, metodichal, and systematic from make some reflection. Because of that ethics is a one good science, ethics objection is human behavior. Ethics have viewpoint normatif. That mean  ethics is look the other good and bad for Human Behavior.
Ethics is divided become three main part: meta-ethics, ethics normative and applied ethics.

There are 8 ethics principle nursing which must knowing by nurse in giving service treatmen to the Individu, Group, and  people.
1.      Autonomy Principle is based with faith, that the individu is can think logical and make their decision. A mature is capability to make their own decision and the people must respected it. Autonomy is right autonomy and  individual freedome which demand to self-difference. One Example which not to see autonomy otonomi is telling the client about their good situation, even through getting disruption or deviation.
2.      Beneficience  principle is the principle which according to nurse for making something good, therefore it can prevent any error or evil. For example is the nurse advised  to klien about program exercise for restore health commonly.
3.      Justice.n This principle is reflection in professional practice when the nurse working for good treatment. a practice standar and faith which right to get qualified good service.
4.      Nonmaleficince this principle is not getiing bad effect such physic and psychological not getting danger  to client.
5.      Veracity this point of view is not only have by nurse but must have by all medical service to send the truth to all of each client for each but must to make all client understand.  

6.      Fidelity is big responsibility to nurse is to increase health, prevent the disceace, health regrenated, and minimize the  pain. to make it the nurse must have a commitment to keep promise and respect their commitment to other people.

7.      Confidentiality is the information about other client must procted by client privasion. to documentated about circumstances health client just can be read for need the treatment and health increase for client

8.      Accountability is the standar which certainly some people professional can be judge in situation with not clear. For the example the nurse have responsibility to their self, profesion, client, employee and people. if the nurse is wrong give the medicine to client, they can sue by the client who receive the medicine, the doctor who give task delegatif and people who demand the professional skill.
1. Teleogi Ethics
Teleogi Ethics is originated from Greece Word, Telos = Determination, good or bad measure certain action would be achivied or the measure which cause effect from that action
Two Flow Ethics Teleologi:
– Egoism Ethics
– Utilitarianisme

The core view of selfishness is some action from every person which basically aim for pursing privasion and promote theme self. Egoism is become serious issue when the people is become hedonism. hedonism is some people who find the happinese, materialistic and interest privasion on this earth solely just for  vulgar pleasure.
Example :  a manager company want to make some development into the company, but the manager didn’t want to increase employee opinion which give interisting information for increase this system. the manager just want to do what he want to do without negotiation to their employee. in the end the system which increasing by the manager is become not productive  or not useful and can make some big potential effect to their company.

This teory is a action which get useful benefit, but that benefit is not only concern except the people get whole it. From the think of framework, utilitarianesme is criteria to make good or bad decision is “the greatest happiness of the greatest number”,
Example : Every teritory leader whichwant to increase therir region into a Tour. Teritory Leader is mentioned want some opinion to the their people and invite the people to work together for increasing their region. That decision action is can get benefit to people and the region it self.

2. Deontologi
The deontologi from greech means is deon that mean is obligation. because our duty is the first action in this life. the teory deontology is already accept in the religion context

3. Mandate teory
In the moral mature perhaps this teory is more approaching for evaluation good or bad some attitude. Themandatet teory is some aspect from deontology teory, because connect with obligation. Mandate and Obligation is integrated two same side money. the same category mandate is  first to person and second to people. because the mandate is most suitable with democratis thoughts.
4. Virtue Teory (Virtue)
Virtue teory is viewing attitude people. the action from this attitude is must fair and honest. The most primary from this part is defiened by dispotition character which already get by people and get good behavior some percentage as moral
Example :
a. Wisdom
b. Justice
c. Hardworking
d. Good Hapinese Life


Egoism is means some not fair object to people. The core of egoism from this view is some action from every people on pursuing the personaly life into growth themselves. The part from  this can become one determination from moral action a every single people. This Egoism is can become new serious matter when people tend focus to become hedonistis, that mean when personal happinese and interest just for themeself.
Egoism is the wayof view to protect and increase which luckly themeself and usually have some effect into increase the personal image like social, intellectual and the other. Egoism is never look to other person or people in generally and just think theme self.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My wish in 2021

2021 is the year when me already take over the role of income for my family. my wish in 2021 is to become accountancy employee in Bank Syariah Mandiri. During the year 2021, first i must finish the college universitas gunadarma, and then I must keep study, finding, and learning any should helpful what I must do before entering the world work.

But except to become employee, I want to become businessman too. Now I still wondering what I can do to make field work for me. But there still I must learn and increase for me in this life, that is socialization. To Telling the truth my biggest mistake and my weakness is socialization. I dunno what happen to me, I think socialization is hard, even just talk. what I can do just responding like question and ask. when somebody talk to me I just asking them with my knowlodge as far as I know it. I already realize this problem at college during semester 1. But now is better than before, I can response what they talk rather than just ignoring them, even just talking like abnormal man. Maybe my weakness is not socialization too, maybe my knowlodge is weakness too.

When the year 2021 has come, I must already correctly myself and help my family. if all my wish is not granted by Allah. I know and believe, Allah is already have known what is the best choice for me. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Unforgettable Experience

Five years ago, my brother and I saw cat which is being hiding inside cardboard my house. since we became curious, we want to see inside the cardboard. We see the cat and three baby cat. the cat is nursing her baby. We surprise and then we report to our father. we see the cat is hungry because she need energy to suckle her baby again. after the moment the cat was being feeding by my family and allowed to live at our house.

The next few years, the cat population increase and become 5 (-_-)a. This is getting hard to treat them. But by that moment I realize something I never doing in my life. The cat give me ability to learning like  how to treat, feed, and clean, and now at moment I have 8 cat alive. I hope their never increase their population and still carring to my family and my neigbour. Thankyou my cat.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Explain My Friend

want to explain about my friend. The name is Lili handika. I call him Dika. He is 21 old. he live now at gang pahlawan bogor. Dika was graduated at SMK Bogor.

Dika now is working in his office. He is Responsible man towad his job. He’s hobby is Playing Game and soccer. sometimes when he have free time, he always play soccer or maybe go to warnet to playing game.

Dika is Tall man and have curly hair. He skin is white and his eye is black and white. Dika is funny and serious man. he never disappointed family and people around him. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2

Simple Present Tense

Berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan,peristiwa,atau kejadian yang terjadi saat ini,atau kejadian yang berulang kali atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan sehari-hari

Rumus:  A:  S +To be (am,is,are)
B:  S + Verb 1 + (s/es)

Kalimat yang menggunakan Verba
(+) He goes to school every morning
(-)  He does not go to school every morning
(?) Does he go to school every morning?
(+) They study English every week
(-) They do not study English every week
(?) Do they study English every week?

Kalimat yang tidak menggunakan Verba

(+) She is very happy
(-) She is not very happy
(?) Is she very happy
(+) He is diligent student
(-) He is not diligent student
(?) Is he diligent student?
Contoh untuk kalimat Aktif dan Pasif pada kalimat verba
_ Mother makes two cakes              (aktif)
_ Two cakes are made by mother        (pasif)

Present Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian perbuatan atau pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung (terjadi) pada saat sekarang (waktu bicara)

Rumus:  S + To Be (is,am,are) + Verb 1 + (ing)

(+) I am writing the letter now
(-) I am not writing the letter now
(?) Am I writing the letter now?

(+) He is washing his clothes
(-) He is not washing his clothes
(+) Is he not washing his clothes?

Contoh untuk kalimat aktif dan pasif
Dinda is cutting the rope                 (aktif)
The rope is being cut by Dinda       ( pasif)

Present Perfect Tense

Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan,peristiwa,kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan sekarang atau untuk menunjukan suatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat.
Rumus:  S + have/has + been
S + have/has + Verb bentuk III
Contoh :

(+) I have been here since morning.
(-) I have not been here since morning
(?) Have I been here since morning?

(+) He has eaten your bread
(-) He has not eaten your bread
(?) Has he eaten your bread?

Contoh untuk kalimat aktif dan pasif
_ Mother has washed the plates.         (aktif)

_ The plates have been washed by mother.(pasif)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


cara-cara membuat omelet mie sederhana
Bahan Bahan:
- 2 buah butir telur ayam
- 1 bungkus mie instant
- minyak goreng secukupnya

- 1 buah sendok makan
- 1 buah mangkuk
- 1 buah piring
- 1 buah penggorengan
- 1 buah panic
-1 buah kompor

1.      pertama-tama rebus mie instant selama 3 menit.
2.      setelah 3 menit direbus maka masukan mie ke dalam mangkuk lalu masukan juga bumbunya. kemudian aduk hingga rata.
3.       setelah diaduk mie dengan bumbunya lalu masukan juga 2 buah butir telur lalu aduk kembali hingga tercampur.
4.      setelah itu panaskan penggorengan dengan minyak secukupnya. dan masukan campuran mie dengan telur yang sudah diaduk tadi kedalam penggorengan.
5.      lalu goreng mie dan telur yang sudah diaduk tadi hingga berwarna coklat matang.

6.      setelah maatang, angkat omelet mie dari penggorengan dan sajikan di atas piring untuk siap dimakan

Monday, January 11, 2016

Solusi Penyakit Jantung

Serangan jantung adalah penyakit yang paling mematikan dan terjadi ketika aliran darah melewati suatu bagian otot jantung terhalang. Jika tidak segera diberi tindakan, bagian dari jantung tersebut kekurangan oksigen dan menjadi rusak kemudian menyebabkan kematian. Serangan jantung menjadi pembunuh nomor satu terutama di negara maju. Serangan jantung paling sering terjadi akibat dari Penyakit Jantung Koroner, penyakit ini terjadi karena ada penimbunan lemak selama bertahun-tahun pada dinding dalam arteri koroner (pembuluh nadi yang mensuplai darah ke jantung). Tanda-tanda atau gejala yang paling sering terjadi adalah rasa nyeri yang tidak biasa dan hebat di dada seperti ditekan dan diremas, nafas berat dan pendek, biasanya disertai mual, muntah, seperti akan pingsan, keluar keringat dingin. Yang harus dilakukan apabila terkena serangan jantung adalah berangkat ke rumah sakit secepatnya usahakan pada lima menit pertama, telepon ambulan apabila tanda-tanda tersebut muncul kembali, minum pil nitroglycerin yang didapat dari dokter.

2 cara solusi mengatasi penyakit jantung:

Cara Mengatasi Penyakit Jantung: Konsumsi Makanan Rebusan
Anda mengalami sakit tentu ada sebabnya bukan? Salah satunya adalah pola hidup. Memang banyak yang mengatakan bahwa penyakit jantung berasal dari faktor genetik, namun anda tetap bisa memutus mata rantai turunan tersebut. Lebih baik menghindari makanan yang digoreng, karena minyak mempunyai lemak jenuh yang memacu peningkatan tekanan darah dan penyumbatan pembuluh darah. Untuk meminimalisir resiko serangan jantung, anda disarankan untuk banyak konsumsi makanan yang direbus serta mengurangi konsumsi garam.

Cara Mengatasi Penyakit Jantung dengan Olahraga RinganSerangan jantung biasanya terjadi pada orang yang tidak banyak bergerak. Gaya hidup seperti ini akan membuat tubuh menjadi kaku dan akhirnya asupan darah menjadi terganggu. Meskipun tidak disarankan untuk olahraga berat, anda disarankan untuk tetap aktif bergerak, bahkan di arankan untuk berolahraga, namun dalam porsi yang sedikit tapi rutin. Hal ini akan membuat tubuh berfungsi optimal. Selain itu, metabolisme, aliran darah dan sistem syaraf bisa bekerja dengan maksimal.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Cerpen Tukang Es Legend Forever

Di sebuah saung pos ronda dengan cuaca siang yang panas, berkumpulah 2 orang pedagang ES keliling rumahan yang bernama Polem dan Jono. Polem merupakan seorang pedagang Es Doger sedangkan Jono pedagang Es Cincau. Mereka berdua sedang beristirahat karena cuaca yang sedang  panas.

 “ Lem.... kamu sudah dapat berapa duit dari hasil penjualan mu hari ini?”  Tanya jono.

“ Woh Alhamdulillah gua udah dapet Rp.24.000, laku 8 Es Doger jon. lah lu dah dapet berapa? dari tadi nyantai mulu disini gak gerak-gerak?”  jawab polem sambil balik nanya.

“ nah itu dia…..  dagangan gua belum laku-laku dari jam 9 pagi lem. Teru-”

“lah kok belum laku? kenapa toh? kan sekarang cuacanya sedang panas gini, pasti banyak yang mau beli Es Cincau mu itu.  ya kamunya diem disini mulu…. kapan mau majunya usaha mu itu jon jon…”

 (plak)“yehhh gua belum selesei ngomong lu udah nyamber aja, mau gua hajar lu?!... gak tau orang lagi kesel ya?!...” teriak jono sambil memukul kepala polem.

“maaf jon… kan cuman ngasih saran doank”  ucap polem dengan nada pelan
“terus kenapa Es lu gak laku jon?”

“GINI!!...  sebenarnya Es Cincau gua belum laku udah dari 2 hari yang lalu. semua itu cuman gara-gara pededang  Es Cappucino Cincau yang jual di lapangan bola sana tuh! (teriak jono sambil menunjuk ke arah lapangan bola) semua warga jadi belie Es cincau ke sana bukan ke gua!” teriak jono

“oh yang jual capucino cincau di depan lapangan bola itu?”

“ iya!!!!!” jono teriak dengan nada kesal

“Lah itu kan si ucok jon? emang kenapa kalau dia dagang Es Cappucino cincau?
dia juga kan sohib seperjuangan kita. kenapa elu jadi marah marah gitu?


“OHHHHAAA iya iya gua lupa jon sori sori hehehe…” ucap polem sambil tertawa

“ TAU AH!!... PUNYA TEMEN GAK PEKA SEDIKITPUN!!!.....” jawab jono dengan kesal.

“ eh jangan gitu donk, jangan marah donk jon hehehe. oya Gimana kalo malam ini kita operasi ke rumah si ucok, kita Ancurin usahanya biar gak bisa dagang lagi, bila perlu kita mampusin si Ucok malam ini juga.. gimana? setuju gak lu hehehe?” ucap polem.

“ Akhirnya temen gua pengertian juga haha. nah gitu donk lem, itu baru teman gua haha!!...”

Jono dan Polempun tertawa dengan keras sambil menyiapkan rencana jahatnya untuk menghancurkan kehidupan dan usahanya  si Ucok.

Pada pagi hari pukul 12:31AM. sesuai rencana dan janji polem kepada jono, mereka menuju ke rumah Ucok  pada saat warga kampung sedang tertidur. Mereka berdua menggunakan sarung untuk menutupi wajah mereka. pada saat sudah di rumah ucok mereka berdua mencoba untuk membakar rumah ucok namun hal ini patut disayangkan karena mereka ketahuan oleh penjaga ronda malam. dan akhirnya mereka di tangkap dan dipenjara. polem dan jonopun menyesal karena gagal melakukan tindakan criminal.  lalu ucok pun masih hidup serta sehat bugar dan masih berjualan Es Cappuccino Cincau miliknya secara halal dengan penuh rasa syukur.